Easy & Fast



Commonly Used File Formats

Support of most commonly used file formats, i.e. word, excel, outlook, jpeg and pdf etc.

Drag & drop files

Drag & drop files into the repository or link with an online storage facility, such as OneDrive, GoogleDrive or DropBox.

Cover & Index Pages

Optionally create Cover & Index Pages automatically to give a professional image.

Proper Pagination

No need to spend hours organising pages and sections. Bundlu does it for you.

Include / Exclude Sections

Creating custom bundle has never been easier. Include or exclude sections or pages as necessary.

Easy Editing

Add or remove pages as the becomes available. Create or remove sections with just one click.

Move Pages Between Sections

Simple drag & drop page move between sections. Move page location within a section or anywhere on the document.

Merge or Split

Merge two or more files or if you like to split a large document into many, that is easily done too.

Document Metadata

Easy add case number/court number, hearing number and other data pulled from the case diary.

Watermarked Versions

Watermarked draft versions if needed.

Automatic Versioning

Bundlu creates versioning of your documents automatically so that you have a track of changes.

And more...

There are many more salient features. Bundlu is available with the leading case management system lawsyst.

There is more...

Bundlu has more user friendly features than any of its competitors on the market. To see how Bundlu can be your Aide-De-Camp, why not book a demo or opt for a trial account